Sheng Liu's Site

Welcome to my website!

I am Sheng Liu, a graduate student majoring in Theoretical Physics at Beijing University of Technology(BJUT), and my undergraduate degree is in Optical Information Science and Technology. I have been interested in Physically Based Rendering and Real-time Rendering for a long time. I’ve been working in game development and graphic rendering for a few years, coding with C++ and GPU programming APIs like DirectX, Vulkan, and OpenGL, using both rasterization and ray tracing.

Here are some early demos of my projects at work and spare time.

Click to visit my new portfolio 2024!




WebGPU Test (2024):


WebGL Path Tracer using Three.js (2024):


Local Shadertoy Renderer using WebGL 2.0 (2023):


RealTime Generated Skeleton Animation from Moving Human Body Motions(2019)


Mesh Sequences Animation Renderer in Vulkan (2020):

Talking Animation with Morphing Data Generated from Input Audio :


Auto Placement for virtual items in Real Scene Video (2018)


Soft Raytracer in C++ (2021)


Training Data Sets Generator for Deep Learning using Video Game (2021)


GLSL GPU path Tracing Renderer (2023)

Sub-Surface-Scattering for Nephrite Material

Reflection and Refraction for Metal and Dielectrics Material

Reflection and Refraction for Metal and Dielectrics Material